To order document(s), please send an E-Mail to quoting the order codes given for each document you require.
The date column is the document start date.
The Type column indicates if it is a freight (F), passenger (P) or both (FP) WTT.
The Time table coverage column gives information about the area covered by the document. Where possible, I have provided a link to open a PDF that shows some sample pages of the document such as the cover page, map of area, index, etc.
A little history! During 1953, the Scottish Region started to change the format of its time tables to the new standard BR format. It was also necessary to look at the previously competing LMS & LNER lines that were now all just Scottish Region.
The passenger working time tables for the former LMS lines had been numbered 1 to 5 and these became sections A - D. Freight trains were in separate timetables, numbered 1 to 7. Only sections 1 & 2 became combined as section D in 1953; sections 3 - 7 remained until 1954 when they were moved into sections A - C.
The former LNER line WTTs were already printed in the BR adopted standard. However, 1953 was the last year that passenger and freight services were printed in the same time table using LNER section codes.
In 1954, all the LNER & LMS working time tables were merged, revised and given new section codes to give a standard series across the whole of Scotland.
* NOTE: timetable compendiums will only be printed on demand, so please allow for a short delay whilst your order is prepared. Thank you!
Order code |
Date |
Type |
Pages |
Time table coverage |
Cost ( |
ScR_3_F_53S_WTT |
8/6/53 |
F |
32 |
ScR_3_F_53S_WTT Information (PDF) Section 3 - Perth, Oban, Stirling, Parkhead IW, Robroyston, Buchanan St, Bridgeton Cross, Balloch & Branches |
£7.90 |
ScR_7_F_53S_WTT ScR_7_F_53W_WTT |
8/6/53 21/9/53 |
F F |
28 28 |
ScR_7_F_53S_WTT Information (PDF) ScR_7_F_53W_WTT Information (PDF) Section 7 - Carlisle to Dumfries & Beattock, Dumfries & Stranraer. |
£7.90 |
ScR_A_P_53S_WTT ScR_A_P_53W_WTT |
8/6/53 21/9/53 |
P P |
83 83 |
ScR_A_P_53S_WTT information (PDF) ScR_A_P_53W_WTT Information (PDF) Section A
- Carlisle to Glasgow
(Via Dumfries) & |
£8.70 £8.70 |
ScR_B_P_53S_WTT ScR_B_P_53W_WTT |
8/6/53 21/9/53 |
P P |
103 103 |
ScR_B_P_53S_WTT information (PDF) ScR_B_P_53W_WTT Information (PDF) Section B - Carlisle, Glasgow Cen., Edinburgh P. St. & Branches |
£10.40 £10.40 |
ScR_C_P_53S_WTT ScR_C_P_53W_WTT |
8/6/53 21/9/53 |
P P |
35 31 |
ScR_C_P_53S_WTT information (PDF) ScR_C_P_53W_WTT Information (PDF) Section C - Glasgow to Dundee & Branches |
£7.90 |
ScR_D_P_53S_WTT ScR_D_P_53W_WTT |
08/06/53 21/09/53 |
P P |
49 43 |
ScR_D_P_53S_WTT Information (PDF) ScR_D_P_53W_WTT Information (PDF) Section D - North of |
£7.90 |
8/6/53 21/9/53 |
P P |
280 304 |
Section A, B, C &
D WTT compendium. In addition, the Winter 1953 compendium contains a WTT Supplement for each section |
£15.70 £17.50 * |
ScR_W_FP_53S_WTT |
08/06/53 |
FP |
206 |
ScR_W_FP_S53_WTT Information (PDF) Section W - Former LNER lines, East of Scotland |
£13.90 |
Station Working Books |
ScR_Edin PS_52W_SWB |
15/09/52 |
P |
8 |
ScR_Edin PS_52W_SWB Info. (PDF) Edinburgh (Princes St.) Station Working Notice |
£5.00 |
ScR_St Enoch_58W_Fog_SWB |
Winter |
P |
20 |
ScR_St Enoch_58W_Fog_SWB Info. (PDF) St. Enoch Station Working Notice (Fog Service) |
£6.90 |